Here's the deal: Shaan saved me. Acting craft-wise that is. Soooo dramatic, but true!
Long story short, I never really had decent training, all of my acting experience was mostly learned piecemeal along the way. Plenty of great instincts and work ethic, with a pinch of luck, but I honestly didn't really know what I was doing most of the time. A few years ago I came to LA with some career momentum but clueless about the craft and technique. I didn't know how to work, professionally. After some regrettable stints at various teachers/gurus/classes I was more confused than ever, and really in my head. Enter Shaan Sharma's acting studio, based on a friend's recommendation. For the first time in my career, I really felt like I had a good, trustworthy experience with a teacher, perhaps because I am an experiential, on-my-feet learner, and Shaan's acting classes are exactly that. I worked privately with Shaan for over a year, and we worked on camera every single time. I learned so much about myself, and how I personally work and create as an actor. There is a Chinese proverb that says, "Teachers open the door, but you must walk through it yourself." Shaan exemplifies this, since I was made to prepare challenging material, get up, work, stretch my range, and then watch myself and repeat... in every single class. On top of it all, Shaan is a working actor himself, so his eye is both accurate and practical. He genuinely cares for his students, is knowledgeable about the craft of acting on camera, and I always, always felt supported as a fellow artist.
I have since moved to other coaches to explore more ways of working, and gone on to work constantly in TV and Film, but I'll never forget how Shaan Sharma took me under his wing, encouraged me to believe that I was enough, healed and nourished my creativity, and brought my craft back to a place of joy. I always tell people, if it wasn't for Shaan, I might not be doing this acting stuff today. Thank you.

After meeting Shaan in his commercial workshop I immediately knew that this was the teacher that could take me to the next level in acting. He has so much experience, passion and patience in the field and his comedy skills are off the charts.
Shaan pushes you to become an independent, self sufficient actor, providing you the right tools to take on any challenge on your own. I’m incredibly grateful for the experience and everything he taught me.
I can highly recommend his class to anyone, doesn’t matter which level - he will start the journey individually with you and get you on your own tailor made schedule depending on your needs, ability and skills.

Shaan is an LA hidden treasure for actors. My first on-tape audition with him was incredible and got me sent to producers for a large guest star! His approach to story and care for the actors instrument makes you feel safe and positive and focused. When I got off track with any negative thinking, he pulled me right back up and reminded me of story and character. He goes above and beyond what any coaching services will do for you and I've used many of the more "popular" (and extremely expensive) services before. Not many out there like him!

Shaan is a highly skilled actor and teacher. He keeps an open mind when approaching his students and tailors to an actor's needs and level. He is very good at sensing what an actor's strengths and weaknesses are and assigns work accordingly. With a past as casting director, he is very knowledgeable of the industry and he shares that knowledge generously. It's a pleasure to be a part of his Storyteller's Conservatory.

I was five years into acting classes when I began to search for a more thorough and systematic approach to working on camera. I spoke with a lot of teachers and attended many SAG-AFTRA Seminars covering on camera craft. By far the best instruction I received was in those public seminars given by Shaan Sharma. I knew the direction I wanted to go from what I heard and enrolled in the Storyteller Conservatory classes. I haven’t looked back since. My rule is: find working actors who teach with the ‘smoke of battle’ coming off them and learn what they know.

The Storyteller's Conservatory has been such a motivating force in my work and practice. The class family has helped push me to form better habits with my craft and writing, and has introduced me to other vibrant people and opportunities that I never would have encountered otherwise. When it feels like the pressures of creative work may set me adrift, Storyteller's often acts as an anchor to keep me grounded and focused.

I have been working with Shaan Sharma since the beginning of 2016 and it has been an eye-opening experience. I am a professional and time is of the utmost importance. I am in the process of transitioning from Corporate America to acting and have no time to waste, none. It's pretty much assumed that you'll churn through countless hours of wasted time, energy, and money while pursuing a career in acting. There are scams galore from head-shots to classes. Shaan removes all of the fluff from day one. He wants to know if you're a fit for the small sized learning environment. Equally, he will let you audit a class to see if his style resonates well with you. The environment is family oriented and only limited to a few students at a time. Shaan's On-Camera TV/Film course cuts to the chase and trims all fat. He provides raw and unfiltered feedback in an amazingly positive way that will keep you motivated at all times.
After enrolling in his On-Camera TV/Film course, my head-shot photographer recommended I enroll in Shaan's Commercial Workshop. During my shoot she said, "It will be the only commercial training you'll ever need." And she was right. I took this four-week course in February 2016. It was well organized and reiterates Shaan's main principal of "You are enough." What I love about the class is how it builds from week to week where he ultimately helps you find your "essence" as a commercial actor. My education with Shaan Sharma is continuous and will be for years to come.

I love coaching with Shaan. He makes the process fun and gets the best work out of you. He is brilliant at making you tell a story the most truthful way possible and get you to book that job. Also, it helps that he is a working actor so he understands actors and their journey. It has been life changing in every way coaching with him!

Shaan’s love for acting, the business side of it, and teaching it is eminent when you first meet him. I’ve attended numerous acting classes in New York and Los Angeles and Shaan stands out because he tailors his teachings to your needs. I had never before an acting teacher who took the time to select material for me week after week which I would be suitable to be cast for to work on.
I highly recommend Shaan’s classes as well as his Commercial On Camera Workshop which is a must whether you are starting out in commercials or if you are not booking.

I couldn't speak more highly of Shaan and his classes. I came into his program as a total beginner with acting and he never once made me feel intimidated or disheartened in my journey. He only amplified my passion for storytelling and catered to my specific learning needs to help me find my voice and fall more in love with the craft. From what I observe and from my own experience, Shaan is able to find a perfect balance between challenging his students to keep pushing themselves to go further and also, something that a lot of instructor's disregard, celebrating the small successes you have with you along the way. I feel like I've grown so much under his instruction. That along with the enthusiasm and openness of the class community he helps cultivate create a unique and nourishing environment. Plus he is hilarious and who doesn't love a teacher with jokes?

Shaan is the perfect teacher/mentor I needed coming out to LA. He focuses on on-camera work, teaches the different genres of drama, single-cam and multi-cam, and is very knowledgeable about the industry and the business of the craft.
Personally, he gave me the room to take risks, ask questions, make mistakes and just have fun when it comes acting. Outside of class, Shaan fosters an acting community with monthly family dinner nights and encourages actors to rehearse and create work together. The community I’ve met through Shaan has been very important to my growth as an actor and has made my transition to LA fun and a lot easier.

From the moment I realized that I wanted to devote my life to acting, I knew that more specifically, I wanted to act in film and television. At a young age, I put together that the performances that truly inspired me as an artist were the ones that blurred the line between reality and art. The gritty ones. The unexpected ones. The ones that seemed out of control. The ones that touched something inside of me that I didn’t even know existed. And when I put all of that together, I was able to distill it into the single word that made me want to be an actor: truth.
I had the incredible privilege of studying Acting (along with Cinematic Arts) at the University of Southern California. I studied theater intensely for the first few years of school, learning from masterful professors and applying the techniques of some of the greatest teachers of the craft while working on material from legendary playwrights. And when I got into my last year of school and had the opportunity to begin studying Acting for the camera, I was elated. I am so grateful for the education and training that I received from such an amazing university.
Something I realized about acting, though, is that I can always learn more. I can always get better. In my senior year at USC, I was lucky enough to serendipitously meet Shaan Sharma when he substituted my Acting for Commercials class one day. I worked with Shaan for probably 5-10 minutes total that day, but in that brief encounter, I learned immensely and experienced a deep gut feeling that this guy knew what he was talking about. And better yet, his training was entirely focused on the craft of Acting for film and television, an area I was so ready to dive more deeply into after my theater training.
I audited his class shortly after that, and after I graduated, I knew that the first thing I wanted to do once I settled into my new life outside of school was to enroll in his class. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made and I am so grateful for Shaan. Shaan’s approach to the craft is unlike anything I’d ever experienced and turned out to be exactly what I needed. He taught me how to act for film and television by genre - something I had actually never considered before. He taught me about the union. About the business. He introduced me to the most amazing headshot photographers. He’s pushed me to go further, into the most truthful places in my soul and to always and above all, serve the story.
Shaan is one of the most amazing people I’ve ever met. He cares so deeply about his students and makes LA feel like home for people from all over the country and the world. I consider Shaan my coach, my mentor, and my friend. My mom considers him part of our family. Shaan will tell you regularly that “you are enough.” To me, that’s the greatest gift an actor can ever receive. Personally, it’s allowed me to trust and to surrender and, in turn, achieve new heights in my craft. For the rest of my life and my career, I will always be grateful to Shaan Sharma and know that he has been instrumental in my success.

A passion for the storytelling. Shaan Sharma is a working Hollywood actor, has worked in casting, is a SAG/AFTRA guru/volunteer/leader and knows what it takes to book and survive in this town. And book I have thanks to this man's guidance, mentorship and mega talents as an on-camera teacher. If you'd like to join a nurturing, engaging, and enlightening studio on-camera class, run don't walk to Shaan Sharma's class at the Storytellers Conservatory.

I have been part of the Storytellers Conservatory since October 2018. As soon as I was done with my audit, I knew I was in the right place. If you are looking for a great community of storytellers, this is the group to be in.
You will not only work on your craft in a safe, no judgment environment, you are in a group where everyone is on your side. Everyone wants you to achieve the highest standards. You are not a number. You are not just a student. You are part of a family. And for me where all my family is on the East Coast, it is a blessing to have.
To be in this business, you can't do it on your own. The teachers and students of The Storytellers Conservatory will be behind you 100 percent to achieve your goals and dreams.

Shaan Sharma Studios is more than just an extraordinary acting class, it is a loving community that fosters skill, confidence and practical marketing techniques in a uniquely innovative fashion. Shaan and his team efficiently evaluate all aspects of each individual actor's career and offer comprehensive tools to become an absolute professional. Studying with Shaan was hands down one of the best decisions I have made in my career and I strongly urge you to consider the same.
Being in class at The Storyteller’s Conservatory has been a life changing experience. Not only have I built some amazing tools I can use when acting, but it’s made me a better speaker and a more confident leader. Above all else though, being a part of the community has been the best part.

I love how Shaan gives everybody in the class time and attention. His special way to be present, positive, generous, passionate, welcoming, intuitive, precise, honest…in one world: loving, awakes and stimulates in us similar qualities that echoes in our acting. Yes, he has love for the art of acting, teaching and for the artists. He creates a circle of trust between us that encourages us to bring forward that which makes us unique. I am very happy to be part of his class, beyond learning acting I enjoy a lot discovering unknown sides of myself and abilities that I could not imagine.

My frustrating and disjointed path to becoming a working actor is now clearly defined and fully activated in this one-of-a-kind studio.
Being a working actor is so much more than just knowing the techniques of acting, yet most classes I’ve attended stop there. The Storytellers Conservatory not only hones the craft and character of a working actor within you, but also actively nurtures a thriving community that will jump in and help each other with rehearsals, audition prep, and so much more.
It also gives you a window into the workings of the actor's union, as well as customized mentorship for the day-to-day process of getting headshots, finding agents, and creating content.
I will never go back to studios that only address one piece of the puzzle. I now feel I have the direction and support necessary to pursue this weighty career for the long haul.

Though a long-time theatre actress in Mobile, Flint, and Orlando, I was nevertheless intimidated and in awe when I first began attending classes at The Storytellers Conservatory (Shaan Sharma). This is LA so how could I possibly fit in and feel comfortable around seasoned Angeleno actors?
Well, at Shaan Sharma's studio, one is quickly made to feel an integral part of the class "family" as well as a serious student in the art of storytelling. I have learned to tone down my "stage theatrics" for TV/Film which is no small feat, and to discover the practical aspects of film acting as opposed to the thespian experience.
As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor also, I am always aware that we humans are more free to learn in a supportive and caring environment. Each nurturing and committed teacher (Shaan, Charles Carpenter, John Ruby, Michael Bradley etc.) at Shaan's studio creates that positive atmosphere in which you grasp that your talent and love of the art ensure that "You are Enough." From drama to multi-cam, students acquire the tools necessary to audition and succeed in this fascinating industry. I highly endorse The Storytellers Conservatory!

Coming from a theater background, I began working with Shaan to learn film & television audition techniques. From the beginning, I was struck with his keen attention to detail when he is coaching an actor. He notices everything and has a concise way of communicating his critiques that is constructive and delivered with love. He has broad knowledge of all formats of film and television and first hand experience as a working actor himself. In addition, his practical and approachable perspective to the business helps you feel that success is not something to hope for but something you can actually make happen and that has been invaluable.

I like Shaan because he's been around town, knows the business, is a working actor himself, has a good process for helping your work, and is a genuine person with a true heart for actors. He also strongly encourages and helps create an actor community with his monthly "family dinner nights" where everyone comes together from all his classes to break bread and connect. I highly recommend going and meeting him and checking out his cozy little class where you can learn, grow, and make steady progress toward your goal of being a regularly working actor.

Shaan has changed my life for the better in more ways than I can count. From giving me a community I could call home when I first moved to LA, to giving me the tools and confidence I needed to take my acting to the next level and beyond.
When I first moved to LA, I had zero experience acting, let alone no idea where to begin my journey. Throwing yourself into a sea of advanced professional working actors can be daunting when you have no experience, but the moment I met Shaan everything changed and I was ready to dive right in and never looked back.
Shaan has an incredible talent and passion for storytelling and teaching. He made stepping outside of my own comfort zone to grow and become the best actor I could be, the most comfortable thing I have ever done. He has a way of putting you at ease and also challenging you, while making the process fun at the same time. Every time I leave a session at Shaan’s I’m inspired and my passion for acting amplifies.
He cares more about his students, fellow actors, and friends than anyone I have ever met. He tailors his approach to each of his students specific needs, and goes above and beyond for everyone of them. The community of actors he fosters are just as amazing and fun to work with as Shaan is. It’s more than a class, it’s a family and it’s a family that will change your life!
I couldn’t be more grateful for the education, experiences, and times I have had with Shaan and everyone at the Storytellers Conservatory. Thank you Shaan for being the most amazing friend and teacher I have ever had!

Shaan is more than an acting coach -- he is a career development mentor. As a successful working actor and casting professional himself, he has a unique perspective on the work we do that I have not found anywhere else in town (and I have sat in on a lot of other classes!). The non-directorial and positive approach he brings is unparalleled. Only work with Shaan if you're willing to work your butt off and grow in your craft in a positive environment. It will be worth your time.

I just booked a recurring guest star on a cable show that I coached with Shaan on. He's got a great process with audition coaching and a lot of tools in his tool belt. I've coached with him in-person and via Skype. When we do Skype coaching, he records the takes so I have it afterwards to watch back, which has been very valuable. He cares so much and I'm grateful to be able to work with him.

Starting to train with Shaan has been THE best decision I made since moving to LA. He genuinely cares about his students' growth and their commitment to the craft. He makes sure that you are always challenged so that you are always growing. I made strides in my craft that I didn't even know I was capable of making.

On at least 3 occasions Shaan has pinpointed a deficiency in my acting/audition technique AND THEN fixed it immediately with a few choice comments! He has insights as a session director that you'll never get in a standard acting class. He offers the right kind of challenges for you to grow in class.
With 40 years of performing comes a lot of skepticism, and "Oh yeah, prove it?" --which can make one jaded. Shaan has not only broken through my barriers and healed my jaded attitude, but he continues to prove his worth by teaching me new things, like the importance of "Family Dinner Night," and creating a support system of fellow actors around you.
He does all his magic with a demeanor that is always nurturing, positive and supportive. It’s no wonder that I find myself constantly recommending him.
Unexpectedly, he’s used me for two table reads of forthcoming scripts. He’s also recommended me for two projects, which has lead to 2 paying film projects, one of which was a leading role in a feature film. He's also introduced me to several industry professionals I otherwise would never have met, let alone have worked with.
His classroom set up is a fully equipped video studio, where your class work is not only saved for your own review via the Internet but which also serves as a casting reference for him.
He’s doing it all very right!

Every time I coach with Shaan the work is evident and the results are incomparable. His understanding of the writers work and translation to the actor is impressive. The main reason I keep returning, besides his professionalism, is the bond and friendship he brings to coaching- something that could be daunting but Shaan always makes it enjoyable.

After my audit I knew the Storyteller’s Conservatory was going to be my acting home, simply because a home is what it feels like. I walk in, kick off my shoes, and spend quality time with peers who feel more like my family.
Shaan has created such a welcoming and safe home for me to explore and play with characters in ways I didn’t think I’d ever be able to do. Our studio approaches classes completely different than any studio I have seen. Everyone is on their own path carefully created and guided by the instructor.
Shaan knows exactly what I need to work on and the right time for me to start working on it. The individual attention I get because of small class sizes has kept my training to continue to move forward. I never feel stagnant at the Storyteller’s Conservatory, because Shaan genuinely cares about keeping my progress moving.
I have never had someone care so much about my success. I can not recommend training at The Storyteller’s Conservatory enough. The skillset I have gained since starting last July has put me in charge of my own career and I have never felt more competent in my ability to be a working actor. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to thank Shaan Sharma and The Storyteller’s Conservatory enough for what they do for me.

I first met Shaan doing his commercial workshop. He has so much to offer in terms of his experience as both a session director and working actor. I was impressed by his commitment to the work and infectious positive attitude. After taking his workshop, I booked my first national commercial (after years of auditioning), and I was inspired to join his ongoing acting class. I love Shaan’s philosophy on the work and the level of energy and enthusiasm he brings to each and every student is unparalleled. He emphasizes the fact that not only must you be a technically proficient actor to be a working one, you need to have mastery over all of the genres/mediums out there. I have already sharpened my skills after working with him for a few months. He helps you hone in on the tools you need to be a successful working actor, and also encourages a sense of community and support in a business that can sometimes feel isolating and difficult to break through. Happy to have him as a mentor and coach.

It can be hard to find your place in this business, but in this class there’s a place for everyone. Take it from a girl who joined at 16 with people anywhere from their 20s-60s at various stages of their craft alongside me in class.
Shaan has cultivated such an amazing class family, which is so vital to our careers (and even just lives). Every class is specific to each performer and their needs. Every scene and exercise done is not chosen at random, but with the intent of challenging and growing the performer.
If you want to take ownership of your art then this class will teach you how.

The Storyteller’s Conservatory is a truly unique refuge for actors. Unlike most acting schools, building community and a strong network of support is a crucial part of the curriculum. From monthly dinners to the annual retreat, actors are encouraged to cheer each other on and build a real tribe in what is often a very lonely business/city.
This community of working actors at all levels of the business is gold on its own, but on top of this is added the exceptional high level training. Shaan has gathered a group of industry professionals who have consistently worked both sides of the camera. These teachers know how to deliver great performances and how to create pathways for their students to do the same.
Those of us connected to the Storyteller’s Conservatory are lucky to have found such a nurturing and transformative environment to learn the skills we need to succeed as professional actors.

I’ve never met a teacher, mentor, and friend more generous and passionate about the craft and business and LIFE of acting than Shaan. He cares so deeply about each of us in the class family—our journeys, our skills, our vision, our work.
Shaan goes above and beyond to help each of us grow, whether it’s assigning the perfect scene or continually creating a supportive community or giving us specific challenges to help us become the driving force in our own creative lives. I am incredibly grateful to have Shaan and The Storytellers Conservatory in my life!

After getting my headshots I asked Theo and Juliet to suggest a next career step. They sent me directly to Shaan. I’ve never looked back. From the initial introduction to on-camera commercial acting class to the ongoing intensive training in all genres, Shaan’s approach and commitment have been my touchstones for career development, and the studio’s community my home base of support. The single most consistently amazing feature of being part of Shaan’s ecosystem is the fierce dedication to learning from each other. Together, we avoid the common mistakes and keep pace with a fast-changing, very challenging business. It’s the whole package here, straight to the point, with heart, and without gimmicks.